MLB Team Employee Database

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Del Baker1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)FIRST BASE COACHCoach, First Base Coach
Mace Brown1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Jack Burns1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)THIRD BASE COACHCoach, Third Base Coach
Joseph Cronin1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)VICE PRESIDENTADMINISTRATIONGeneral Manager, Head of Baseball Operations, Vice President
Maurice Deloof1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
George Digby1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Bobby Doerr1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Thomas Dowd1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)TRAVELING SECRETARYADMINISTRATIONTravel Secretary
Tom Downey1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Howard Doyle1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Joseph Dugan1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Jack Fadden1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)TRAINERMEDICAL STAFFAthletic Trainer
Dave Ferriss1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)PITCHING COACHCoach, Pitching Coach
Denny Galehouse1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Win Green1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)ASSISTANT TRAINERMEDICAL STAFFAssistant, Athletic Trainer
Bucky Harris1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SPECIAL ASSISTANTADMINISTRATIONSpecial Assistant
Michael Higgins1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)MANAGERADMINISTRATIONManager
Sid Hudson1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Earl Johnson1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
William Joyce1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Edward Kenney1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)OFFICE MANAGERMINOR LEAGUE SYSTEMMinor League, Office Staff
Chuck Koney1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Don Lenhardt1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Fred Maguire1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Neil Mahoney1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
John Malaney1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONSADMINISTRATIONAssistant, Director, Public Relations
Hiram Mason1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)ASSISTANT TREASURERADMINISTRATIONAccounting, Assistant, Executive Management
Caleb McCarey1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Bill McCarren1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Joseph McKenney1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONSADMINISTRATIONDirector, Public Relations
Director, Minor League, Player Development
Frank Nekola1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Richard O'Connell1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)DIRECTOR OF PARK OPERATIONSADMINISTRATIONDirector, Stadium Operation
Jack Onslow1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
John Orlando1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)EQUIPMENT MANAGERCLUBHOUSEEquipment Staff
Roderick Rice1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Paul Schreiber1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)COACHCoach
Hank Severeid1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Clayton Sheedy1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SUPERVISOR OF PLAYERSMINOR LEAGUE SYSTEMMinor League, Player Development
Joseph Stephenson1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Alphonse Thomas1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Charlie Wagner1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF MINOR LEAGUE SYSTEMMINOR LEAGUE SYSTEMAssistant, Director, Minor League, Player Development
Charlie Wallgren1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Larry Woodall1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)SCOUTSCOUTING FORCEScout, Scouting Staff
Thomas Yawkey1957 Boston Red Sox (BOS)PRESIDENTADMINISTRATIONOwner, President, Principal Owner