MLB Team Employee Database

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Randy Adamack1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONSDirector, Public Relations
Don Bryant1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)BULLPEN COACHBullpen Coach, Coach
Ernie Burgess1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CLUB PHYSICIANMedical
Jack Carvalho1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & PROMOTIONSDirector, Marketing Staff, Production Staff
Mike Combs1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF STADIUM OPERATIONS & NOVELTY SALESDirector, Production Staff, Sales, Stadium Operation
Anita Duncan1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff
Frank Funk1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PITCHING COACHCoach, Pitching Coach
Fred Genzale1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)VISITING CLUBHOUSEClubhouse Staff
Henry Genzale1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)HOME CLUBHOUSEClubhouse Staff
Stanley Golub1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PARTNEROwner, Partner, Principal Owner
Lou Gorman1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)GENERAL MANAGERGeneral Manager, Head of Baseball Operations
Doug Hopkins1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)VAULT MANAGERAccounting, Sales
Kip Horsburgh1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)EXECUTIVE DIRECTORDirector, Stadium Operation
Darrell Johnson1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)MANAGERManager
Denise Johnson1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff
Danny Kaye1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PARTNEROwner, Partner, Principal Owner
Hal Keller1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF PLAYER DEVELOPMENTDirector, Minor League, Player Development
Dick Kimball1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ORGANISTStadium Operation
Steve Krause1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF TICKET SERVICESAssistant, Director, Sales, Ticketing
Ethel Larue1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff
Marie Legaz1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff
Richard Leshgold1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CLUB DENTISTMedical
Jan Manning1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff
Bill Mazeroski1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)THIRD BASE COACHCoach, Third Base Coach
Joan Moeller1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff
Gary Nicholson1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)TRAINERAthletic Trainer
Dan O'Brien Jr1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS AFFAIRSAssistant, Business Operations, Director
Dan O'Brien Sr1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERExecutive Management, President
Jeff Odenwald1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS AFFAIRSBusiness Operations, Director
Larry Pedegana1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CLUB PHYSICIANMedical
Lee Pelekoudas1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF TEAM TRAVELDirector, Travel, Travel Secretary
Vada Pinson1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)HITTING COACHCoach, Hitting Coach
Ann Repanich1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff
Walter Schoenfeld1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PARTNEROwner, Partner, Principal Owner
Steve Schryver1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PLAYER DEVELOPMENTAssistant, Director, Minor League, Player Development
Lester Smith1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PARTNEROwner, Partner, Principal Owner
Gary Spinnell1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PA ANNOUNCERPublic Address Announcer, Stadium Operation
James Stillwell1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PARTNEROwner, Partner, Principal Owner
Wes Stock1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PITCHING COACHCoach, Pitching Coach
Irwin Treiger1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CLUB ATTORNEYLegal
James Trombold1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CLUB PHYSICIANMedical
Melody Tucker1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PUBLICITY ASSISTANTPublic Relations
Colin Tudor1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)MAILROOM MANAGEROffice Staff
Lamar Vernon1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF TICKET SERVICESDirector, Sales, Ticketing
Richard Vertlieb1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CONSULTANTSpecial Assistant
Ed Waite1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CONTROLLERAccounting
James Walsh1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PARTNEROwner, Partner, Principal Owner
Maury Wills1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)MANAGERManager
Char Yoritsune1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE AIDEAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff
Sandra Zimmerman1980 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE STAFFAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff