MLB Team Employee Database

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Randy Adamack1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)SENIOR DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONSDirector, Public Relations
Dave Aust1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONSDirector, Public Relations
Ron Babes1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ACCOUNT EXECUTIVESales
Jim Beattie1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)FARM DIRECTORDirector, Farm Director, Minor League, Player Development
Brian Beggs1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCE & ADMINISTRATIONAccounting, Vice President
Larry Beinfest1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PLAYER DEVELOPMENT & SCOUTING ASSISTANTMinor League, Player Development, Scouting Staff
Al Clausen1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVESales
Gene Clines1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)HITTING COACHCoach, Hitting Coach
Murray Cohn1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ACCOUNT EXECUTIVESales
Juan Cotto1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ACCOUNT EXECUTIVESales
Craig Detwiler1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF TEAM TRAVELDirector, Travel, Travel Secretary
Bob Didier1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)THIRD BASE COACHCoach, Third Base Coach
Nancy Droppelman1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, PLAYER DEVELOPMENTAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff, Minor League, Player Development
Korey Dykman1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, COMMUNICATIONSAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff
Brian Fletcher1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)VISITING CLUBHOUSE MANAGERClubhouse Staff
Henry Genzale1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)HOME CLUBHOUSE & EQUIPMENT MANAGERClubhouse Staff, Equipment Staff
Rick Griffin1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)TRAINERAthletic Trainer
Gina Hasson1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATORCoordinator, Public Relations
Bob Hellinger1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ACCOUNT EXECUTIVESales
Jennifer Hunkele1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, SALESAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff, Sales
Roger Jongewaard1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)VICE PRESIDENT, SCOUTING & PLAYER DEVELOPMENTDirector, Minor League, Player Development, Scout, Scouting Director, Scouting Staff, Vice President
John Karnoski1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF TICKETINGAssistant, Director, Sales, Ticketing
Gary Kaseff1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CHIEF OPERATING OFFICERExecutive Management
Ethan Kelly1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ACCOUNT EXECUTIVESales
Jeff Klein1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF STADIUM SERVICESDirector, Stadium Operation
Rusty Kuntz1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)FIRST BASE COACHCoach, First Base Coach
Debbie Larsen1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, BASEBALL OPERATIONSAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff, Baseball Operations
Hallie Larson1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, SCOUTINGAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff, Scouting Staff
Stuart Layne1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)VICE PRESIDENT, MARKETINGMarketing Staff, Vice President
Jim Lefebvre1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)MANAGERManager
Richard Leshgold1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CLUB DENTISTMedical
Chris McCartney1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)GROUP SALES MANAGERSales
Connie McKay1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, FINANCE & ADMINISTRATIONAccounting, Administrative Assistant, Administrative Staff
Leigh McMillan1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVEFan Services
Joan Moeller1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)TICKET SERVICES COORDINATORCoordinator, Sales, Ticketing
Tom Newberg1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ASSISTANT TRAINERAssistant, Athletic Trainer
Janet O'Brien1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD & CHIEF OPERATING OFFICERAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff, Board of Directors
Mike Paul1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PITCHING COACHCoach, Pitching Coach
Larry Pedegana1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CLUB PHYSICIANMedical
Lee Pelekoudas1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF BASEBALL ADMINISTRATIONBaseball Operations, Director
Tony Pereira1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF STADIUM SERVICESAssistant, Director, Stadium Operation
Lowell Perry Jr1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ACCOUNT EXECUTIVESales
Bill Plummer1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)BULLPEN COACHBullpen Coach, Coach
Denise Podosek1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CONTROLLERAccounting
Kelly Sheridan1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVEFan Services
Pete Shmock1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)STRENGTH & CONDITIONING COACHCoach, Strength and Conditioning
Shirley Shreve1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ACCOUNTING ASSISTANTAccounting
Larry Sindall1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF PROMOTIONAL SALESDirector, Production Staff, Sales
Ross Skinner1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF MARKETINGAssistant, Director, Marketing Staff
Jeff Smulyan1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARDBoard of Directors, Owner, Principal Owner
Fred Stanley1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)COORDINATOR OF MINOR LEAGUE INSTRUCTIONCoordinator, Minor League
Randy Stearnes1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY RELATIONSCommunity Outreach, Director
Mitchel Storey1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)CLUB PHYSICIANMedical
John Thomas1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)VICE PRESIDENT, SALESSales, Vice President
Lisa Thurber1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, SALESAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff, Sales
Pete Vanderwarker1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONSAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff, Public Relations
David Venneri1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)PUBLIC RELATIONS ASSISTANTCommunity Outreach, Public Relations
Carl Weinstein1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)DIRECTOR OF PROMOTIONSDirector, Production Staff
Marianne Wieland1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, MARKETINGAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff, Marketing Staff
Woody Woodward1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)VICE PRESIDENT, BASEBALL OPERATIONSBaseball Operations, General Manager, Head of Baseball Operations, Vice President
George Zuraw1990 Seattle Mariners (SEA)ASSISTANT TO VICE PRESIDENT, BASEBALL OPERATIONSAdministrative Assistant, Administrative Staff, Baseball Operations